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Vsevolod Nekrasov
Vsevolod Nekrasov

Deja Chan __TOP__

But some observers do see a clampdown on dissent and criticism in Cambodia and point to the political arena to reinforce the contention. On Oct. 20, the National Assembly approved Cabinet changes proposed by First Prime Minister Prince Norodom Ranariddh.

deja chan

Monitor journalism changes lives because we open that too-small box that most people think they live in. We believe news can and should expand a sense of identity and possibility beyond narrow conventional expectations.

If autoimmunity markerswere present, the ultrasound examination of thyroid gland or the small bowelbiopsy was ordered. Intestinal mucosa specimens were obtained during peroralendoscopy and afterwards examined by a pathologist. Changes in mucosa wereassessed by employing the Marsh stage. Type 1 (infiltrative lesion) ischaracterized by normal structure of mucosa with presence of intraepitheliallymphocytes infiltration. Type 2 (hyperplastic lesion) comprises type 1-mentioned changes andadditionally enlarged jejunum crypts. Type 3 (destructive lesion) is dividedinto 3 groups. The characteristics of all of them include inflammatoryinfiltration, hyperplastic crypts, and the villous atrophy, which in each groupis of a different degree. In type 3a partial, in type 3b subtotal, and in type3c, total destruction of villi is observed. Type 4 (hypoplastic lesion) comprises total villousatrophy without inflammatory infiltration and the normal architecture of the crypts.

Thyroid autoimmunity markers were present in 3 (11%)children: 3 (11%) ATA and 1 (4%) ATG. All of them were euthyroid. In 2 (7%)children, abnormal ultrasound thyroid gland image was observed, suggestingHashimoto's disease. In these children, therapy with L-thyroxine wasintroduced. A total of 27 intestinal biopsies were performed. The biopsiesrevealed: 5 (19%) x no changes (latent form), 1 (4%) x type 1, 6 (22%) x type3a, 6 (22%) x type 3b, and 9 (33%) x type 3c. In the case of 1 girl, CD 3a waspresent 3 years before she became diabetic. Only once were the T1DM and CDdiagnosis made at the same time. In most cases no clinical manifestation wasobserved. 041b061a72


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